A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (2024)

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Featuring a vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (7)

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (8)

With Nintendo Switch – OLED Model, enjoy your favourite games anytime, anywhere, featuring a vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours.

Play video

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (10)

Vivid colours

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (11)

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (13)

7-inch display

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (15)

Nintendo Switch – OLED Model includes a vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with a slimmer bezel. The large screen's vivid colours and high contrast deliver a rich handheld and tabletop gaming experience, bringing games to life whether you're racing at top speed or squaring off against enemies.

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (16)

Nintendo Switch – OLED Model

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (17)

Nintendo Switch

What is an OLED screen?

Wide adjustable stand

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (19)

Enjoy tabletop mode at your preferred viewing angle

Flip out the stand and hand a controller to another player to share the screen and enjoy competitive or co-operative multiplayer, anytime and anywhere.

Nintendo Switch – OLED Model's wide adjustable stand can be set to your preferred viewing angle for comfortable gameplay in tabletop mode.

New dock with wired LAN port

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (20)

The dock included with Nintendo Switch – OLED Model features two USB ports, an HDMI port for connecting to a TV, and a new wired LAN port, allowing for more stable online play when playing in TV mode.

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (21)

64 GB internal storage

Nintendo Switch – OLED Model has 64 GB of internal storage. You can expand the available space using a compatible microSD card (sold separately). Download your favourite games to play them anytime and anywhere.

For more information on compatible microSD cards, please visit our support section.

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (22)

Onboard speakers with enhanced audio

Enjoy clear sound when playing in handheld or tabletop modes.

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (24)

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (25)

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (26)

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (27)

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (28)

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (29)

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (30)

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (31)

Nintendo Switch features

Play anytime, anywhere, with anyone

Three play modes

Nintendo Switch can transform to suit your situation, so you can play the games you want, no matter how busy life may be. Enjoy games anytime, anywhere, with anyone!

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (32)


TV mode

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (33)

Gather around a big screen and enjoy gaming with a crowd.

Dock your Nintendo Switch to enjoy HD gaming on your TV.

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (34)


Tabletop mode

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (35)

Share the screen, share the fun.

Flip the stand to share the screen, then share the fun with a multiplayer game.

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (36)


Handheld mode

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (37)

Carry around a large, beautiful display anywhere you go.

Pick it up and play with the Joy-Con controllers attached. Enjoy playing solo, or play together with friends locally or online.

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (38)


Share the fun with Joy-Con

Nintendo Switch has a controller on each side of the console that function together: the Joy-Con. Hold them vertically, horizontally, or share one with a friend to enjoy competitive or co-operative gameplay anytime, anywhere.

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (39)

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (40)

Link up to eight consoles for multiplayer

Local co-op

Play on the big screen at home with friends.*

*Additional controllers (sold separately) may be required.

Local wireless

Players can sync together up to eight Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch – OLED Model or Nintendo Switch Lite consoles to play competitive and co-operative multiplayer games.

Online multiplayer

With a Nintendo Switch Online membership, you can play with friends far away and players around the world, access a growing library of classic NES and Super NES games with added online features, enjoy exclusive offers such as TETRIS® 99 and Nintendo Switch Game Vouchers, and more!

Find out more about Nintendo Switch Online

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (41)

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (42)

Nintendo Switch – OLED Model (White)

See contents

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (43)

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (44)

Nintendo Switch – OLED Model (Neon blue/Neon red)

See contents





Nintendo Switch – OLED Model console

Nintendo Switch – OLED Model console
Size 102mm x 242mm x 13.9mm (with Joy-Con controllers attached)
Please note: 28.4mm at the thickest, from the tips of the analogue sticks to the ZL/ZR Button protrusions.
Weight Approx. 320g
(With Joy-Con controllers attached: 420g)
Screen Capacitive touch screen / 7-inch OLED / 1280x720 resolution
CPU/GPU NVIDIA customised Tegra processor
System memory 64 GB

You can increase your console's storage with compatible microSD cards (sold separately). For more information on compatible microSD cards, please visit our support section.

Please note: a portion of the internal memory is reserved for use by the system.

Communication features Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac compliant) / Bluetooth 4.1
In TV mode, it's also possible to use a wired LAN connection.
Video output Maximum resolution: 1920x1080, 60 fps
Please note: output via HDMI cable in TV mode. In tabletop mode and handheld mode, the maximum resolution is 1280x720, which matches the screen resolution.
Audio output Supports linear PCM 5.1ch
Please note: output via HDMI cable in TV mode.
Speakers Stereo
USB terminal USB Type-C terminal
Used for charging or for connecting to the Nintendo Switch dock.
Audio jack 4 pole stereo 3.5mm mini plug (CTIA standard)
Please note: Nintendo cannot guarantee functionality with all products.
Game card slot Exclusively for Nintendo Switch game cards.
microSD card slot Compatible with microSD, microSDHC and microSDXC memory cards. Please read our microSD Card FAQ for more information on compatible microSD cards.

Please note: an update via an internet connection is required to use microSDXC memory cards.

Sensors Accelerometer / gyroscope / brightness sensor
Operating environment Temperature: 5 - 35°C / Humidity: 20 - 80%
Internal battery Lithium ion battery / battery capacity 4310mAh
Please note: the internal battery cannot be removed. If the battery needs to be replaced, it can be replaced for a fee via Nintendo Customer Support.
Battery life Approx. 4.5-9 hours

The battery life will depend on the games you play. For instance, the battery will last approximately 5.5 hours for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

Energy consumption TV mode

Active gaming: 6 W

Streaming media (HD): 5 W

HOME Menu: 3 W

Sleep Mode (Wi-Fi connected; wired LAN connection not maintained): 0.3 W (maximum 0.5 W)

Sleep Mode (wired LAN connection maintained): 2.2 W

Power off: 0.3 W (maximum 0.5 W)

Handheld mode

Active gaming: 4 W

Streaming media (HD): 3 W

HOME Menu: 2 W

Sleep Mode (Wi-Fi connected; wired LAN connection not maintained): 0.03 W

Power off: less than 0.01 W

Estimated annual energy consumption *1: 6 kWh *2 / 21 kWh *3

*1 The estimated annual energy consumption of a console when used for gaming an average two hours per day for a whole year.

*2 Wi-Fi connected, while the wired LAN connection is not maintained.

*3 The estimated annual energy consumption when the wired LAN connection is maintained during Sleep Mode.

Please note: the values have been rounded off to the nearest full value. There also may be some statistical variations on the energy consumption values displayed. The values could also change depending on the usage environment and conditions.

Charging time 3 hours approx.
Please note: this is the time taken to charge while the console is in sleep mode.


Nintendo Switch dock (with LAN port)

Nintendo Switch dock (with LAN port)
Size 104mm x 175mm x 50.7mm
Weight Approx. 315g
Connectors - USB ports: two USB 2.0 compatible ports on the side
- System connector
- AC adapter port
- HDMI port
– LAN port



Joy-Con (L) Joy-Con (R)
Size 102mm x 35.9mm x 28.4mm 102mm x 35.9mm x 28.4mm
Weight Approx. 49g Approx. 52.1g
Buttons - Left Stick (pressable)

- Directional/L/ZL/SL/SR/− Buttons
- Capture Button
- Release button
- SYNC Button

- Right Stick (pressable)

- A/B/X/Y/R/ZR/SL/SR/+ Buttons
- HOME Button
- Release Button
- SYNC Button

Connectivity functions Bluetooth 3.0 Bluetooth 3.0, NFC (near-field communication)
Sensors - Accelerometer
- Gyroscope
- Accelerometer
- Gyroscope
- IR Motion Camera
Vibration function HD rumble
Capable of varied and precise vibrations.
HD rumble
Capable of varied and precise vibrations.
Internal battery 525 mAh Li-ion battery

Please note: the internal battery cannot be removed. If the battery needs to be replaced, it can be replaced for a fee via Nintendo Customer Support

525 mAh Li-ion battery

Please note: the internal battery cannot be removed. If the battery needs to be replaced, it can be replaced for a fee via Nintendo Customer Support

Battery life Approx. 20 hours

Please note: this time is an estimate. Actual time may vary depending on individual usage patterns.

Approx. 20 hours

Please note: this time is an estimate. Actual time may vary depending on individual usage patterns.

Charging time Approx. 3.5 hours

Please note: to charge the Joy-Con controllers, you must attach them to a Nintendo Switch console or Joy-Con charging grip (sold separately).

Approx. 3.5 hours

Please note: to charge the Joy-Con, you must attach them to a Nintendo Switch console or Joy-Con charging grip (sold separately).


Joy-Con strap

Joy-Con strap
Size 101mm x 14.6mm x 13.9mm
Weight Approx. 18.7g


Joy-Con grip

Joy-Con grip
Size 101mm x 144mm x 40.1mm
Weight Approx. 97g



From the HOME Menu, you can start games and select game settings. In addition to managing friends and user accounts, you can also change your system settings here.

Main features of the HOME Menu

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (45)


The latest news about games will be delivered to your Nintendo Switch.

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (46)

Nintendo eShop

Find and buy digital versions of full games and DLC.

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (47)


Easily take and save screenshots or video clips from select games using the Capture Button. Then view, edit and share to social networks from your album. You can also transfer them wirelessly to a smart device.

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (48)

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (49)

Nintendo Switch Online

Access a variety of Nintendo Switch Online services, read the the latest news about related titles, and check your membership status.

Q1. Can all Nintendo Switch titles be played on Nintendo Switch – OLED Model?

Nintendo Switch – OLED Model is compatible with the full library of Nintendo Switch games.

However, there may be differences in game experience with some of the Toy-Con accessories from the Nintendo Labo series, due to differences in console and screen size between Nintendo Switch – OLED Model and Nintendo Switch. There may also be games where the game experience may differ due to the new capabilities of the console, such as the larger screen size.

Q2. Can the Nintendo Switch dock (with LAN port) also be used with Nintendo Switch?

Yes, the dock can be used, including the LAN port.

Please note: a system update may be required.

Q3. Can the Nintendo Switch dock be used with Nintendo Switch – OLED Model?

Yes, this is possible.

Please note: a system update may be required.

Q4. Can I use the Joy-Con controllers I currently have with Nintendo Switch – OLED Model?

Yes. The Joy-Con controllers included with Nintendo Switch – OLED Model are the same as the controllers currently available.

Q5. I’m thinking about buying a second Nintendo Switch family console. Can I share digital titles I’ve purchased or share my save data between Nintendo Switch – OLED Model, Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite?

Please visit our support section for information on how to play your games on multiple consoles.

Q6. Can I continue to use accessories I’ve been using on Nintendo Switch with Nintendo Switch – OLED Model?

Yes, it's possible to use existing accessories on Nintendo Switch – OLED Model. See available accessories.

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (50)

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (51)


A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (52)

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (53)


A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (54)

A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (55)



Compare features

What is an OLED screen?

An OLED screen does not have a backlight like LCD screens, instead displaying images using light emitted by each individual pixel.

Deep blacks can be represented by turning a pixel's light off, allowing for higher contrast.

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A vibrant 7-inch OLED screen with vivid colours (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.